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Nancy Ortenstone

Megata Morikaga

Nancy Ortenstone

Artist Biography

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Nancy Ortenstone

Inspired by the light and landscape, Nancy Ortenstone became a professional painter when she moved to New Mexico in 1986. This year she just had her 10th solo exhibit in Santa Fe. Nancy's work now shows in several galleries across the country while her fine art, prints and posters are shown internationally.

"New Mexico landscapes inspire me, especially the ever-changing colors of the mountains and mesas, the wide-open skies, and the embracing silence. Rather than reproduce a landscape, I take what I see into my own psyche and dreamspace creating many layers of underpainting on each canvas until the final image or presence emerges," Nancy Ortenstone says about her art, prints and posters.

"My biggest marketing challenge is to keep my mailing list updated and accurate and to maintain periodic contact with my collectors. My most recent marketing success was the first sale off my website!" – Nancy Ortenstone on her art, prints and posters

Nancy Ortenstone Art, Prints and Posters Collection