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Gretchen Hess

Elizabeth Allyn

Gretchen Hess

Artist Biography

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Gretchen Hess

From her childhood to art school and throughout her career, Gretchen Hess's art, prints and posters have been the passion of her life. For her, "work is exploration and experiences of the soul. It is both the strong and subtle impressions of the physical world."

While Gretchen Hess likes the swiftness of collage, the emotion of paint, and the spirit of drawing, the medium she chooses for an art, print or poster depends on what she needs to communicate. For a calm and introspective work, she would intuitively choose to work with soft pastels, but for stronger or more expressive work, she would choose paint or perhaps collage, and the image would be abstract.

Gretchen Hess enjoys working in series, stating that her inspirations "are like a short story: they need more than one image to complete the thought." Her background in the decorative arts industry required that she tell a strong, compelling story using a spectrum of imagery and technique with broad appeal. Hess currently lives and works in a tranquil setting-horses included-outside Chicago, Illinois, which gives her the best of both rural and urban worlds for creating her art, prints and posters.

Gretchen Hess Art, Prints and Posters Collection