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Childe Hassam

James  Heligan

Childe Hassam

Artist Biography

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Childe Hassam

Childe Hassam was an American painter and etcher, born in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and educated at the Boston Art School and the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, well known for his art, prints and posters.

Childe Hassam was the chief American exponent of impressionism. His primary objective both in his paintings, art, prints and in his etchings was to represent the effects of sunlight in city scenes and in landscapes of rural New England.

His art, paintings, and etchings include July 14 Rue Daunon (1910) and Church at Gloucester (1918), both in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City. Childe Hassam is remembered primarily for the sparkling effects that he achieved.

Childe Hassam Art, Prints and Posters Collection