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James  Heligan

Barbara Hails

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Barbara Hails

Barbara continues to explore the unique qualities of the landscape in her light-filled pastel art, prints and posters. The varied countryside, its seasonal mood changes, distinctive architecture, and lush growth are recurring themes in her work.

It is the light in her art, prints and postres that most people notice and remember. Applying pastel to a ground glass museum board in an unusual technique, Barbara is able to capture bright sunshine and rich translucent shadows in her landscapes. Light presents the challenge which keeps her fascinated with painting.

Barbara works full-time on painting from her studio in Olney, Maryland north of Washington, DC. She travels throughout the United States incorporating everything she sees into her artwork. Her original pastel paintings and limited edition art prints and posters are available through fine art galleries nationwide, in Europe and Asia.

Barbara Hails Art, Prints and Posters Collection