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Adolph Gottlieb

Elizabeth Allyn

Adolph Gottlieb

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Adolph Gottlieb Biography:
Born in New York City, in 1935 Adolph Gottlieb was a founding member of The Ten, a group devoted to abstract art with whom he was active for about five years. He became a major exponent of Abstract Expressionism whose painting style is linked to Marc Rothko, Clyfford Still and Barnet Newman. A major theme in his art, prints and posters is the challenge to humans to resolve dualities within the universe, the pressure of opposites: male and female, chaos and order, creation and destruction, order and chaos. His career is described as having four phases: Pictographs (1940s), Grids and Imaginary Landscapes (1951 to 1957), Bursts (1957 to 1974) and Imaginary Landscapes (1960s). Although he lived primarily in New York City and was one of the few Abstract Expressionists born in that city, time spent in Arizona and Provincetown, Massachusetts had a marked influence on him.  >>click here for more
Adolph Gottlieb Figurations Of Clangor

Adolph Gottlieb

Figurations Of Clangor

Offset Lithograph Editio...

image: 30 x 24.25 in.
paper: 31 x 27 in.

Open Edition