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John William Godward

James  Heligan

John William Godward

Artist Biography

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John William Godward

Little has been recorded of the life of John William Godward. Inspired by the painter Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema, Godward imitated his Neoclassical style of art,pritns and posters. Both were counted among the members of the "Marble School,' known for its depictions of subjects drawn from ancient Greek and Roman life placed in elaborate settings, with especially careful and realistic rendering of details like marble and flowers.

Godward regularly exhibited his art, prints and posters at the prestigious Royal Academy in London, where they were initially greatly admired by the public.

By the time he was in his fifties, however, the Marble School's approach had fallen out of favor. Godward nonetheless continued to paint art, prints and posters in this manner until his death at age sixty-one.

John William Godward Art, Prints and Posters Collection