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Martha Newton Furman

James  Heligan

Martha Newton Furman

Artist Biography

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Martha Newton Furman

A vintage dressmaker's form adorned with antique postcards, French ribbons and flowing calligraphy greets visitors to Martha Newton Furman's sunny California studio where she makes art, prints and posters. One wall beautifully journals her travels, both actual and virtual. Another showcases intricately detailed botanical studies. A painting on a tile fragment appears to be part of a centuries-old fresco. "I love the patina of time that gives objects their unique character, and I am fascinated with exploring ways to replicate those effects.'

Martha has loved drawing for as long as she can remember. "My family fostered my interest in the arts. Due largely to the influence of my sisters, who were very good at drawing, art became a family affair. Be it photography, dancing, drawing, painting, lettering or design, they encouraged me to explore, practice and simply create,” says Martha. Martha pursued her interest formally at the University of Florida where she received a degree in Graphic Design. Martha's art, prints and posters are a study in technique and media.

Her diverse style is enlivened by equally diverse sources of inspiration, from European decorative arts and the natural world to pop culture and foreign travel. Whether the subject is classic, whimsical, sentimental, modern, eclectic or elegant, Martha's art, prints and posters give it her own signature style. "I like to think that people can always expect something that is comfortable as well as surprising and exciting from my work. Connecting with people through my art is an honor and an invigorating experience for me as an artist,” she says.

Martha Newton Furman Art, Prints and Posters Collection