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Dennis Carney

Megata Morikaga

Dennis Carney

Artist Biography

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Dennis Carney

In 1985 Dennis Carney received an Advertising Art Degree from the University of North Texas. In Conjunction with earning his degree, he participated in an intense study of ceramics under the tutelage of Elmer Taylor. In addition, he furthered his study by enrolling in ceramic workshops under the instruction of Peter Volkons. The study of ceramics, in combination with the other artistic design talents involved in receiving his degree, was later combined into the current style of art, prints and posters original to Carney.

Carney evokes a sense of construction in his current art, prints and posters that reflects his background in design and ceramics. His architectural style combines with layering and molding techniques involved in working with clay.

His art, prints and posters reflect a sense of progression and transformation combined with a delicate touch that leaves the viewer with a reminder of the continuous change and evolution that creates our reality.

Dennis Carney Art, Prints and Posters Collection