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Carolyn Biggio

Zaira Zarotti

Carolyn Biggio

Artist Biography

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Carolyn Biggio

Carolyn Biggio began her career as a hospital lab technician in Houma, Louisiana. In her late 20's, as a birthday present to herself, she signed up for eight painting lessons at a nearby art studio. She had always wanted to learn about painting; this proved to be a life-changing event.

Early on she was introduced to master painter Henry Hensche, whose 73 years of painting experience had a huge influence on her work. As he critiqued her, he taught her to see that learning to see color was the most important part of the lesson. She has also studied with several Hensche followers such as Sammy Britt, Dorothy Billui, and Lettie French Johnson.

Biggio always paints with natural light, preferring to paint outdoors whenever possible. She states, "I took what I learned and paint from my heart. I don't know how to explain the joy of bringing together all the shadow masses and light masses and creating on canvas the volume and color of the scene before me.”

Carolyn Biggio Art, Prints and Posters Collection