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Tim Ashkar

Megata Morikaga

Tim Ashkar

Artist Biography

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Tim Ashkar

Tim Ashkar is renowned for his portrayal of African American figurative art, prints and posters. Throughout his early life he always had artistic inclinations, yet he did not pursue formal art instruction until he was eighteen.

Tim Ashkar spent the following five years studying painting and drawing art, prints and posters with Judith Serbaroli, the daughter of renowned Italian artist, Hector Serbaroli.

His work can also be seen in mural form in Washington, D.C. and at the Pickfair Mansion. Ashkar's art, prints and posters can be viewed in both public and private collections. He has had a number of one-man shows, and has worked on scenery for television and motion pictures.

Tim Ashkar Art, Prints and Posters Collection