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Thomas Wiewandt

James  Heligan

Thomas Wiewandt

Artist Biography

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Thomas Wiewandt

Photographer and ecologist Thomas Wiewandt blends art and science to reveal the mystery, beauty, and complexity of the natural world. His films for the National Geographic Society and the BBC have earned him an Emmy Nomination in cinematography, a Gold Apple Award, and four Cine Golden Eagles. His children's book Hidden Life of the Desert made the John Burroughs List of Outstanding Nature Books for Young Readers.

His art, prints and posters have also been featured in many books, calendars, and magazines worldwide, including Audubon, Arizona Highways, Smithsonian, National Wildlife, Geo, and publications by the National Geographic Society.

Tom Wiewandt holds degrees in zoology and ecology (MS, University of Arizona; PhD, Cornell). In addition to making art, prints and posters, Wiewandt serves on the IUCN Species Survival Commission for endangered iguanas. He lives in the desert foothills west of Tucson. He has been leading photographic workshops and natural history tours in the Southwest for more than a decade.

Thomas Wiewandt Art, Prints and Posters Collection