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Martha Saudek

Elizabeth Allyn

Martha Saudek

Artist Biography

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Martha Saudek

Martha Saudek, a native Californian, began painting at the age of five. Later she studied art at Scripps and Pomona College. She also studied drawing and painting at UCLA and the California Art Institute where she presently teaches a class in oil landscape painting. Saudek loves to capture light in her art, prints and posters.

Her subject matter is usually landscape, but scenes will vary, as she paints rivers and streams, clouds, majestic mountains, trees and, beautiful gardens with equal facility. She paints art, prints and posters only in oil, she develops scenes in vivid colors which convey her love of nature.

Saudek's fine oil art, prints and posters are in private collections throughout the United States as well as Europe, Japan and Taiwan. She has won well over 100 awards. She lives with her husband, Victor, in Los Angeles.

Martha Saudek Art, Prints and Posters Collection