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Robert Ketchum

James  Heligan

Robert Ketchum

Artist Biography

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Robert Ketchum

Born and raised in Los Angeles, photographer and author Robert Glenn Ketchum has pursued a career in fine art photographic prints and posters and environmental activism for nearly three decades. His work and passion have been dedicated to addressing issues of the land and natural resource management. Recently, he was named by the editors of the centennial edition of Audobon Magazine as one of the 100 champions of conservation, "who shaped the environmental movement in the 20th century.'

An author of numerous publications and one of the first to wed his art, prints and posters to personal activism, Ketchum has been at the forefront of photographers expressing their concern for the state of the environment. He is represented in most of the major photographic collections in the United States and has had over 500 one-man and group shows worldwide since 1968.

In addition to his photographic art, prints, posters and writing, Ketchum served as the Curator of Photography for the National Park Foundation for 15 years. Currently, he is a Trustee of the Alaska Conservation Foundation, on the Board of Councilors of American Land Conservancy, on the Board of Directors of the Environmental Communication Office and is the President of Advocacy Arts Foundation, which he helped found.

Robert Ketchum Art, Prints and Posters Collection