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Bruno Haas

R. Nob

Bruno Haas

Artist Biography

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Bruno Haas

Bruno Haas was born in Schopfheim, Germany in 1939. He has worked and studied throughout Europe, including Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Greece and Austria; and in 1963 earned a Craftsman's Certificate as a painter and decorator. His formal education took place at the Summer Academy in Salzburg, Austria and at the European Art Academy Trier, where he studied with Giselbert, Hoke, Volker Altrichter, Kiki Kogelnic and Jim Dine.

In his painting, Haas not only works objectively, but also abstractly. There is often a narrative and poetic inducement, an impulse: a relevant thought to open. His work is dreamy and fantastic, playful and suggestive. He is influenced by color and surroundings, such as the Northern Lights, which he experienced in his travels in Northern Europe, or the earthy colors - rust, ochre, grey and sand - found in pictures from Hokes.

All of his work features a symbol, which is his name in Chinese. Used as a structural element in his compositions, it is also a metaphor for the symbolic stamp that people eventually get characterized in throughout their lives.

A father of two daughters and two grandchildren, Haas now lives in the rural town of Lörrach, where he also has his gallery.

Bruno Haas Art, Prints and Posters Collection