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Robert Brasher

Richard Thorn

Robert Brasher

Artist Biography

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Robert Brasher

The distinctive art, prints and posters of Robert Brasher arise from a solid grounding in the rich tapestry of art history and literary reference. The inclusion of representational objects is employed in an abstract way. These emphasize the formal qualities that present themselves assertively on the canvas. Field work, including sketches, photos, and oil studies in and around the Loop area of Chicago, provide a wealth of inspiring forms, textures, and lighting conditions that continually inform the work. Relationships between the imposing structural surroundings and the human element that inhabits them are explored and distilled as well as purely formal problems dealing with two-dimensional space and color. Contemporary life and the influence of history, or lack of influence, make interesting counterpoints in the work.

Within the context of the art, prints and posters, there is an attempt at immediacy, therefore, the brush strokes are applied quickly and boldly. Thick, colorful brush strokes are allowed to stand unaltered, conveying an abstract texture, and expressive beauty. Color as emotion, evocative, and expressive.

Robert has studied at several universities in the Chicagoland area. These include the Art Institute of Chicago, Indiana University, Purdue University, Loyola University, and Roosevelt University. He has received several art scholarships for his art, prints and posters, leading to his Bachelors Degree. The Gonska Award for exhibiting exceptionally creative potential from Loyola, The Smith Scholarship from The Art Institute of Chicago, and The Mulchy Scholarship from Loyola University are among the awards attained during his college career.

Robert Brasher Art, Prints and Posters Collection