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James  Heligan

Carol Korpi McKinley

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Carol Korpi McKinley Biography:
Carol Korpi McKinley is an internationally acclaimed American artist best known for her large-scale depictions of fruits, vegetables and animals, as well as her lush, color-drenched landscapes. Her art, prints and posters are exhibited in numerous corporate and private collections around the world, and has also been featured in national art shows, including The Art Expo in New York City. Born in northern Michigan, Carol spent her childhood surrounded by creativity. Her parents, being true entrepreneurs, were always seeking out new endeavors and adventures. They instilled in her early on that spirit of adventure and resourcefulness. She received her first set of paints at the age of four, became fascinated with the colors, and hasn't stopped painting since.  >>click here for more
Carol Korpi McKinley Strike Up the Bantam II

Carol Korpi McKinley

Strike Up the Bantam II


image: 9 x 11 in.
paper: 9 x 11 in.

Open Edition
Carol Korpi McKinley Strike Up the Bantam I

Carol Korpi McKinley

Strike Up the Bantam I


image: 9 x 11 in.
paper: 9 x 11 in.

Open Edition