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Robert Ginder

Richard Thorn

Robert Ginder

Artist Biography

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Robert Ginder

An accomplished and veteran painter, Robert Ginder expertly utilizes style and subject matter to convey his theme. Taking a special interest in exploring the complexity of past and the present, he often mixes contemporary scenes with traditional techniques in his art, prints and posters.

Ginder states, "In all my paintings, there is an element of age, and a use of early painting styles to create a venerable artifact in order to elicit a respect for a subject matter that ordinarily we would see as mundane and that we can re-examine the everyday in a different light.”

Originally from New York, Ginder received his education in California and then returned to New York where he now resides. He is affiliated with a number of galleries on both coasts and had numerous exhibitions of his art, prints and posters in the past few years. In addition, Robert is represented in many private and public collections, including the Brooklyn Museum in New York and La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art in California.

Robert Ginder Art, Prints and Posters Collection