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Bob Talbot

Megata Morikaga

Bob Talbot

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Bob Talbot Biography:
F or over twenty years Bob Talbot's whale and dolphin photograph art, prints and posters have inspired wonder in people around the world. From the first time he ventured into the ocean with a snorkel at age eight, Talbot has been fascinated by the sea and the animals that inhabit it. Since that time he has made it his life's work to foster a respect for animals and to fight to protect their habitat. He is the recipient of The Environmental Hero Award presented by the United States Department of Commerce as well as the Ark Trust Genesis Award. Talbot is a board member of the American Oceans Campaign, Earth Communications Office, and Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and works with many other environmental organizations donating images, time, funds and, most importantly, a voice for the planet and its inhabitants.  >>click here for more
Bob Talbot Whale Tale

Bob Talbot

Whale Tale

image: 22.25 x 16.75 in.
paper: 28 x 24 in.

Open Edition
Bob Talbot Save Our Oceans Save Our Planet

Bob Talbot

Save Our Oceans Save Our ...

image: 31 x 24 in.
paper: 31 x 24 in.

Open Edition
Bob Talbot Pilot Whale

Bob Talbot

Pilot Whale

image: 26.5 x 18 in.
paper: 32 x 24 in.

Open Edition