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Rick Reeves

Elizabeth Allyn

Rick Reeves

Artist Biography

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Rick Reeves

Rick Reeves combines exquisite detail with incredible authenticity as one of the country's leading historical artists. His art, prints and posters reflect his passion for military history. Rick was initially recognized as an American Civil War artist, but has since expanded in a genre of historical art. He paints battles and scenes from the American Revolutionary War, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the Plains Indian Wars, the Mexican American War, the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm and modern military peacekeeping missions.

Rick's art, prints and posters hang proudly in the U.S. Army War College, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, the National Guard Bureau, the Cavalry Museum, the 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum, the 2-505 Parachute Infantry Regimental Headquarters, the 307th Engineer Battalion, 25th Infantry (L) Division Headquarters, the Atlanta Cyclorama, the Florida Sports Hall of Fame and countless public and private collections throughout the country.

Rick Reeves studied art at Southampton College on Long Island, the University of South Florida in Tampa, and graduated from Florida State University with a degree in Studio Art. He has been an independent historical artist of art, prints and posters for over 20 years. Rick Reeves resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife, Cheryl and children Jackson, Katie, and Molly.

Rick Reeves Art, Prints and Posters Collection