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John Buxton

Elizabeth Allyn

John Buxton

Artist Biography

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John Buxton

John Buxton grew up in Oxford, North Carolina, and began drawing from the moment his mother showed him how to hold the pencil. He received his degree from the Art Center School in Pasadena, California. John has lived near Pittsburgh since 1963, where he spent 31 years as a successful commercial illustrator. After working with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, John began to sense a greater appreciation for his art, prints and posters. His close friend, Robert Griffing, suggested that maybe it was time to leave the commercial world of advertising and editorial illustration. Even so, it was a major step for John to venture into the world of historical art. But, the thrill of finally choosing for himself what he would paint was a powerful force.

Perhaps the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania and the echo of all that had taken place within those hills inspired John to start painting scenes from the 18th century. The first of his art, prints and posters of this time period featured the British 60th Royal American Regiment. Entitled Along Laurel Ridge, the painting depicts a small party of soldiers as they pause for a moment's rest from the hot September sun. General Forbes' troops have been constructing a road through the wilderness of the Pennsylvania mountains, as they make their way towards the French stronghold at Fort Duquesne in 1758. This painting was released as a limited edition art print.

Again, inspired by the history and the hills that surrounded him, John painted October Twelve, 1758. The image depicts Fort Ligonier as French troops prepare to strike in an effort to drive British forces from Loyalhanna. When both editions sold out quickly, John Buxton realized that he had an audience for the things that he liked to paint and a new career making art, prints and posters. In a survey of the limited edition art print market for 1995, InformArt Magazine listed John Buxton as an artist to watch for in years to come.

John Buxton Art, Prints and Posters Collection