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Teri Jonas

Zaira Zarotti

Teri Jonas

Artist Biography

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Teri Jonas

Teri Jonas, Texas based artist, believes that art is a reflection of the artist's inner self and their journey through life. Her works, which are a part of both national and international collections reflect that belief; the bright colors and simple shapes show a playful, joyous side, while a deep and calm serene feeling is also present.

Teri is a self taught artist and has been painting for over 30 years. She began with watercolors but gradually shifted to pastel during a transition period when she often used a watercolor under-painting with pastel on top. For the past 12 years, she has been working exclusively in pastel, painting on very fine sandpaper which holds the pastel well and creates a soft yet vibrant look which Teri prefers.

Teri Jonas believes that her paintings are her "spirit voice,” which is placed on paper so others may see, feel and participate with her on an inner journey.

Teri Jonas Art, Prints and Posters Collection