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Ken Fleisch

Megata Morikaga

Ken Fleisch

Artist Biography

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Ken Fleisch

If all it took to create art were a keen eye and technical skills, we would surely be blessed with art in abundance. But, in fact, the eyes and hands, like paints and brushes, are only tools of the artist, not the art itself. It is the thought behind the eyes and the sensitivity beyond the hands that distinguishes art from mere paintings. And it is the rare combination of this talent and technique that makes true art such a treasured find. In Ken Fleisch, collectors across the nation have found a talent that touches their lives. Ken Fleisch's art, prints and posters are stark, compelling and deceptively simple in their appearance.

Flawless in its detail and realism, Fleisch's art, prints and posters reache the core of life in an almost classical fashion. The son of an Air Force father, Ken was influenced greatly by extensive visits to many countries and cultures. Despite this international exposure, Fleisch draws primarily from his native Texas when committing brush to canvas. And for Fleisch, the uses of the commonplace to convey the complex, all expertly executed in his well-recognized style, are more than mere reflections of reality, they are the means by which he shares philosophy and emotion.

Fleisch's art education is a combination of formal training in both American and European universities with exacting practical experience gained through private study and joint projects with internationally known artists. The wide recognition of Ken Fleisch's art in both national and regional publications, the popularity of his print series and wide diversity of his collectors, from Bob Dylan to CBS Television, can only underscore the depth and integrity of his art, prints and posters. Ken Fleisch is a serious artist who takes great pride in what he does, which is evident in the works he produces and the professionalism he exhibits. Yet, a Ken Fleisch painting is like a long-awaited visit from an old friend, with old stories to tell and new experiences to share.

Ken Fleisch Art, Prints and Posters Collection