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Darryl Trott

Richard Thorn

Darryl Trott

Artist Biography

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Darryl Trott

The Art World mourns the unexpected death of internationally acclaimed artist Darryl Trott. Born in Adelaide, Australia, Darryl spent most of his adult life in the USA. He worked with several art publishers through the years to market reproduction prints and posters of exotic flowers to collectors worldwide.

His large watercolor art, prints and posters were favorites to visitors and residents of Hawaii. His sudden passing in Atlanta, GA on June 9, 2004 was a shock to all of his friends and business associates. "Now I find them to be the most enjoyable flower to paint in watercolor. It's the perfect medium to re-create poppies' fragile paper quality and those golden pollen centers that bees can't resist. My new ‘Wind in the Poppies' lets me enjoy all year round the pleasure I felt standing in our poppy garden.”

"I can't remember a winter that wasn't warmed and brightened by Iceland poppies. My earliest memories are of pollen-filled cups of color waving on delicate stems in my parents' garden in Australia. Even a gentle breeze created a moving carpet of red, yellow, pink, white and orange.” Darryl Trott's three brothers and one sister will receive his remains in Australia for his final resting place.

Darryl Trott Art, Prints and Posters Collection