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Don Prechtel

R. Nob

Don Prechtel

Artist Biography

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Don Prechtel

The fascination with history and the military has not changed since the beginning of recorded history, and is still going on today. This is what has inspired generations of storytellers and artists. A professional working artist since 1968, Don is also a historian and avid collector of antique western and military accoutrements. His studio is filled with a large library and a collection of artifacts, which he incorporates into his art, prints and posters.

Many of his part, prints and posters have been reproduced on book jackets, magazines, illustrations in historical publications and scholastic books. His goal is to use the talent that God has given him to inspire others, and to advance the kingdom of God.

With his background, Don is recognized as one of the premier artists of the historical genre today. His art, prints and posters are in the collection of the Virginia Military Institute, the Military Intelligence Museum, Ft. Huachuca, Az., the 3rd Armored Cav. Regt., Ft. Carson, Co., the Notre Dame Alumni Association, Government House, Dublin, Ireland, Holt-Atherson Special Collections, University of the Pacific, Stockton, Ca., and private collections in the U.S. and Europe.

Don Prechtel Art, Prints and Posters Collection