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Adrianno Manocchia

Thomas Alden

Adrianno Manocchia

Artist Biography

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Adrianno Manocchia

Adriano Manocchia began his career in fine art in the early 1980's after leaving behind a highly successful career in photojournalism. An avid outdoorsman, he has concern for the nation's deteriorating natural habitat, a subject that has inspired most of his subjects in his art, prints and posters, which include colorful and light filled landscapes, waterscapes, sporting scenes and wildlife.

A member of the Society of Animal Artists, his art, prints and posters have been exhibited in prestigious shows throughout the country including the Easton Waterfowl Festival. The New York based artist has also produced works to benefit such conservation groups as Ducks Unlimited, the Atlantic Salmon Federation, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the New York Audubon Society.

Known as a painter of waterscapes, Adriano Manocchia says his favorite subject is fishing scenes. He also paints art, prints and posters of wild animals in their natural habitats. He lives in New Rochelle, New York and travels extensively in the West.

Adrianno Manocchia Art, Prints and Posters Collection