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Elizabeth Allyn

Mike Capser

Artist Biography

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Mike Capser

The openness of Mike Capser's art, prints and posters offer an expansive world for imaginations to explore. The graceful beauty of this imagery comes naturally to the watercolorist who lives with his family under the wide-open skies of Montana. Capser paints, draws, and sculpts contemporary, western and wildlife subjects.

A critical part of his art, prints and posters is based on painstaking research and inspiration from hunting, studying and sketching in the wild, untouched land of his childhood. He relies on much of his rich, personal experiences with the west to get the right feeling for his subjects.

He has received numerous awards and honors for his art, prints and posters and has been accepted in many shows. He was chosen as featured artist for the 1996 Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show and a special guest artist at the 1995 Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation's annual Art Festival. He has been juried into the annual C.M. Russell Show in Great Falls Montana, and the prestigious Birds in Art Exhibition in Wausau Wisconsin. Several publications featured Capser, including the fall 1995 InformArt, and U.S.Art magazine, which named Capser among its top 25 artists in 1994 and 1996.

Mike Capser Art, Prints and Posters Collection