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Jeanne Filler Scott

Thomas Alden

Jeanne Filler Scott

Artist Biography

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Jeanne Filler Scott

Jeanne Filler Scott's art, prints and posters are celebrations of life. "I paint with the understanding that each animal is unique,' says the artist. Scott spends a great deal of time in research, including making oil sketches, choosing the most appropriate settings for her equine and wildlife subjects, and planning the composition to best portray the appealing characteristics of each animal.

The sense of life she imparts to her art, prints and posters reflects years of involvement with all species of animals on an intimate level, as with friends. Her paintings are slightly transparent, revealing varied depths of color, which render them very lifelike. This results from her use of an Old Masters technique of detailed monochrome underpaintings overlaid with many layers of multi-colored glaze.

The process often takes months, and allows Scott to constantly make changes in her art, prints and posters to achieve the desired result. At times, the subjects of Scott's paintings are capricious and refuse to hold still for a pose, but the artist has infinite patience, as attested by her attention to detail.

Jeanne Filler Scott Art, Prints and Posters Collection