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Elli Milan

Megata Morikaga

Elli Milan

Artist Biography

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Elli Milan

As a child, Elli Milan always carried with her pieces of crayons. Her mother would often find them melted onto the clothes after they went through the wash. Her obsession with creating is still with her today. She explains that if she does not work on her art, prints and posters every day she feels incomplete. Elli grew up in Hawaii where she met her husband, John. They both attended Savannah College of Art and Design. She received her BFA from The University of Georgia. They currently share a studio at their home in Arizona.

Living in the beautiful Mediterranean coastal city of Kavala, Greece has inspired many of Ellis' art, prints and posters. The bold, clean colors and high contrasting light of her work are the reflections of her memories in Greece. Elli loves the process of painting and the contemplative zone she experiences while painting.

She attributes most of her success as an artist of art, prints and posters to her passion to paint, her faith, and the opportunity she has to share in the creative process along side her husband, also a full-time artist with whom she shares her studio. John and Elli have three, beautiful daughters.

Elli Milan Art, Prints and Posters Collection