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Elli Milan

R. Nob

Elli Milan

Art Gallery
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Elli Milan Biography:
As a child, Elli Milan always carried with her pieces of crayons. Her mother would often find them melted onto the clothes after they went through the wash. Her obsession with creating is still with her today. She explains that if she does not work on her art, prints and posters every day she feels incomplete. Elli grew up in Hawaii where she met her husband, John. They both attended Savannah College of Art and Design. She received her BFA from The University of Georgia. They currently share a studio at their home in Arizona.  >>click here for more
Elli Milan Ensemble

Elli Milan


image: 12 x 12 in.
paper: 12 x 12.25 in.

Open Edition
Elli Milan Costa del Sol I

Elli Milan

Costa del Sol I

image: 36 x 23.25 in.
paper: 36 x 26 in.

Open Edition