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Mari Giddings

James  Heligan

Mari Giddings

Artist Biography

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Mari Giddings

Educated in the fine art of printmaking, Mari Elsa Giddings worked with master printers Dan Britten and Wayne Kimball at Arizona State University. In 1986 she became chief assistant to master printer Robert A. DeVoe at Phoenix Art Press. Two years later Giddings opened her own studio in rural northern Arizona where she happily explored and painted wilderness landscapes for several years, an influence that is still evident in even her most abstract art prints and posters.

Giddings now directs the Willow Art Group in Phoenix, Arizona. Her art, prints, posters and paintings can be found in numerous private and corporate collections, including those of America West and GTE-Sylvania. She has exhibited her work in over a dozen solo shows and numerous group shows. Creating large canvases for public spaces, such as her project in the lobby of Anaheim's Disney Hotel, has become a special interest of hers for the past few years.

Giddings states, "The best art helps break down perceptions that are so deeply ingrained, so taken for granted that they seem real, the only possible way to see. For me, successful art destroys the obvious connections by which we construct our realities and make new connections. Thus, art is never a finished product, but a moving, living, immediate process which begins again with all art, prints and poster and every viewing, realizing infinite alternatives.”

Mari Giddings Art, Prints and Posters Collection