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Curt Walters

Zaira Zarotti

Curt Walters

Artist Biography

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Curt Walters

Although he has traveled and painted all over the world, impressionist artist Curt Walters has become known as the preeminent interpreter and conservationist of the Grand Canyon. Walters' interest in the preservation of the Grand Canyon occurred when he became frustrated by the pollution build up in the monument, and realized that his art, prints and posters actually documented the deterioration of the air quality over thirty years.

While the landscapes of New Mexico and Arizona have been his preferred choice of subject matter for his art, prints and posters, Walters has also spent nearly thirty years capturing his impressions of the world's landscapes, from Monet's gardens at Giverny, to the magnificence of Florentine architecture and the exotic temple gardens of Bali.

Walters holds the rare distinction of having his art, prints and posters win Buyers Choice awards in three of the most prestigious shows for Western art, all awarded within a nine month period: the Prix De West (twice), the Artists of America show and the Gene Autry Museum's Masters of the American West. Most recently, he was awarded the Frederic Remington Award at the 2004 Prix de West. Walters is also a member of the Oil Painters of America.

Curt Walters Art, Prints and Posters Collection