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Sondra Wampler

Anne Rushout

Sondra Wampler

Artist Biography

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Sondra Wampler

From her first public showing at the Oakland Museum at the age of nine, Sondra Wampler was trained in traditional art, prints and posters as the language of personal expression. At 16 her artistic focus was forever changed when she was given the retired family camera for her personal use. Wampler completed the Commercial Photography program at Santa Monica College in 1982, in pursuit of an advertising photography career.

Eventually she returned to fine art, focusing on a contemplative observation of nature that is seen in the sensitive treatment of her subjects. Wampler's use of the organic is showcased in her floral still life and botanical art, prints and posters using natural light. A certain romanticism is felt in her delicate use of the lens.

Drawing from many sources to create her art, prints and posters and paying homepage to Cunnigham and the Westons, Wampler use methods sensitive to the under standing of light and atmosphere. Brought to the studio and contemplated, nature is given to delicate portrayal that Sondra Wampler brings to her art. Her work can be found in public, private and corporate collections throughout the country.

Sondra Wampler Art, Prints and Posters Collection