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Elizabeth Allyn


Artist Biography

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Mindeli was born in 1976 in the town of Tbillisi, a republic of Georgia, Russia. As a child, she first began drawing in the studio of her father, a renowned artist and designer of art, prints and posters. It was there that she found her skills and her interest in this study flourished.

In 1992, Mindeli enrolled in the Tbillisi State Academy of Fine Arts where she studied art history and fine art. The art, prints and posters world had finally embraced her and she yearned for cultural stimulus to liberate her talent.

Her new-found freedom of expression and her love of nature have been melded together to create her intricate floral designs. She looks forward to exploring her artistic talents and developing new and exciting images in her art, prints and posters.

Mindeli Art, Prints and Posters Collection