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T L Lange

James  Heligan

T L Lange

Artist Biography

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T L Lange

TL Lange was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania in 1965 and grew up around Washington, D.C. He studied fine art at Winthrop College in South Carolina for two years before moving to Atlanta to acquire an education from working professional artists in the area. After his brief time in Atlanta, Lange made his home in North Carolina, where he maintained his home and atelier until his untimely death at the age of 36.

Lange was recognized early on in the art community for his startling, yet seductive, figurative and abstract paintings. His technique of mixing media and color enhanced his brilliant and diverse concepts. To add more drama to the work, Lange often combined additional elements of texture to his paintings on canvas or paper.

When asked about his creative process, Lange offered the following: "The creative force behind my work may come from the mutterings of my psyche or from marks made unintentionally by spills or decay...I create with chaos. It is very simple: we all create our own form of chaos and then choose, over time, to continue or to change. While I am working, it is wonderful to be in ‘non-thought mode' where there are no preconditioned rules, a meditative wave that has no time, and where I can forget what I am doing. I derive the compositions from the beauty of chaos in decay, the colors of rusty pipes, and layers of billboard advertisements. Paintings are everywhere. I keep the studio floor littered with photographs, torn paper, and flecks of paint-objects to trip over while looking for something else. I find purpose in the very act of discovering how to make all the elements work together in my space, in my time...”

Lange ultimately hoped that viewers would involve themselves in the stories he had created on the canvas, create their own narrative, and see what they wished to see.

T L Lange Art, Prints and Posters Collection