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Jae Dougall

Megata Morikaga

Jae Dougall

Artist Biography

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Jae Dougall

Jae Dougall was born in the Philippines in 1956 and began painting in oil at age twelve, under the direction of her father, impressionist Jose Trinidad. Her style of art, prints and posters has evolved from classical training into a fusion of high-key tones, rich in saturated color and exotic still life content.

Dougall maintains a palette of predominantly pure colors, in keeping with the bold look of post-impressionism. Her art, prints and posters reflect her own dramatic life, which has been full of travels and studies.

In 1969 she moved to Canada, where she attended Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia. She has also studied Spanish language and literature in Madrid and travelled to Costa Rica, Singapore and extensively throughout Europe.

Jae Dougall Art, Prints and Posters Collection