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Tom Antonishak

Anne Rushout

Tom Antonishak

Artist Biography

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Tom Antonishak

Tom Antonishak grew up in the mountains of Pennsylvania where he developed his love of art and nature. After serving in the US Navy and in the Defense Intelligence Agency, Antonishak returned to civilian life and studied art at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. He worked for several years as a commercial artist, eventually opening his own graphic design studio "The Art Department of Tom Antonishak'.

His interest in history led him to begin painting the American West. He traveled widely to militia musters, pioneer villages and Indian gatherings to sketch authentic details for his art, prints and posters, which is distinguished by an acute sense of accuracy and intense color. Eventually, Antonishak was drawn to wildlife and has produced many award-winning studies. His most notable award was the "Art For the Parks” National Park grand prize in 1993. Other awards included the New York Duck Stamp as well as being invited to many national and international shows and galleries.

Still more accomplishments includes 1993 Ducks Unlimited Guest Artist Print, Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum's Birds in Art show, 1996 and 1997 Wildlife Art Sale at Christie's of London, England. The International Exhibition at the Del Bello Gallery, Toronto, Canada.In 1997 Antonishak illustrated books for both The Nature Conservancy and The Smithsonian Institute. His most ambitious oh his art, prints and posters to date was his painting Legends of the Past, which represents a white bison calf within a herd of 500 bisons. This painting sold at the Christie's Auction of London in 1997.

Tom Antonishak Art, Prints and Posters Collection