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Ellen Gunn

James  Heligan

Ellen Gunn

Artist Biography

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Ellen Gunn

Ellen Gunn was born in Rockville Center, New York, in 1951. From an early age her father, William Neal Gunn, and her uncle Howard Arnold, gave her extensive artistic training. Both men were noted watercolorists, and her father was also proficient in oil painting and design. Gunn continues her studies in art. prints and posters with Pat Steir and J.C. Suarez at the Parsons School of Design in New York City, where she graduated with honors in 1973.

The year after, she studied etching and printmaking at Kala Institute in Berkeley, and from 1981-1982 she studied printmaking exclusively at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland.

She describes the intentions that animate her when she paints art, prints and posters: "I want to create art that is compelling. I seek to produce images that have a striking quality, that provoke a real emotion, where color, line, composition, and mood all come together into an image that really elevates the viewers' awareness and changes their outlook and perspective.”

Ellen Gunn Art, Prints and Posters Collection