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Kim Anderson

Richard Thorn

Kim Anderson

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Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson is a European artist who specializes in photographing children. His art, prints an dposters are described as "black and white film touched with subtle bursts of color that heighten the sense of childhoods gone by.'

He now works exclusively for a Dutch publishing company, creating posters, postcards, and calendars of his art, prints and posters. He is the father of two, and he considers his 7-year-old daughter his inspiration and she's often his top model. European photographer has gathered legions of fans with his timeless photographs of children in oversized clothing.

As a world famous photographer, Kim Anderson captures children on film as no one else can. Identifying a special moment and freezing it in time is what he does best. His body of art, prints and posters are best known for the hand colored photographs of young children in unexpected situations or quiet moments. These photos evoke romance and emotion with a universal appeal around the world.

Kim Anderson Art, Prints and Posters Collection