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Susan Terpning

Elizabeth Allyn

Susan Terpning

Artist Biography

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Susan Terpning

Susan Terpning has been a representational painter since 1976, concentrating on painting art, prints and posters of western scenes and the Native American peoples. She has lived in the Southwest for the past fifteen years. She credits her art training to her father, award winning western artist, Howard Terpning.

Susan Terpning was born in 1953 and grew up in Connecticut surrounded by a world of art. She went on to study art and anthropology in college, receiving her BA from New Jersey's Drew University. Susan's main interests are ethnic peoples and their adornments. She is also a wildlife enthusiast and bird watcher.

Her travels through East Africa, Latin America, and throughout much of America have provided new perspectives and inspiration for her art, prints and posters. Susan's favorite medium is oils. Some of her paintings begin in the outdoors on location, while others are inspired by her travels, or from ideas and images within her imagination.

Susan Terpning Art, Prints and Posters Collection