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Matthew Hillier

Artist Biography

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Matthew Hillier

Wildlife artist Matthew Hillier was born in England and grew up near Windsor Castle. Married to fellow artist Julia Rogers, he now lives in the United States. Drawing and painting art, prints and posters of animals is something he has loved to do since a child. Hillier's father was a museum designer who taught his son the rudiments of painting with watercolors, a medium Hillier used during his years as an illustrator, along with gouache. In recent years, when he made the transition from illustrator to wildlife artist, he also switched to acrylic because it involves a looser painting process.

Traveling widely in search of subjects to study and paint, Hillier has visited Africa, where he was once charged by an angry elephant, many times, as well as India, Europe and Southeast Asia. He loves the big cats and rhinos and finds himself drawn to the water birds. When doing field research, Hillier sketches and also takes photographs, finding that while the photos are very useful for details of color, shape, background and texture, sketching forces him to "feel the subject” more in his art, prints and posters.

Hillier studied at Dyfed College of Art in Carmanthen, West Wales, and graduated with distinction. Three of his paintings were accepted by the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and he has exhibited regularly at the Pastel Society, the Society of Wildlife Artists, The Royal Institute and the Miniature Society, as well as the Paris Salon, the Royal Society of Marine Artists and the Blaritz Salon. A member of the society of Animal Artists, his art, prints and posters are part of their traveling exhibition. He has participated in Christie's Wildlife Art Auction, and his work has been included many times in Leigh Yawkey Woodson's touring show of "Birds in Art.” He has had one-man exhibitions throughout Great Britain and has illustrated several books.

Matthew Hillier Art, Prints and Posters Collection