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Lee Cable

Elizabeth Allyn

Lee Cable

Artist Biography

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Lee Cable

Lee Cable has dedicated the last twenty-five years to the portrayal of Nature and her creatures. His ability to present his subjects in the purest sense has made him one of the nation's most revered artists of wildlife art, prints and posters.

Raised on a farm in Greenville, Ohio, Lee learned of nature and of art, prints and posters from his dad who recognized his son's early artistic talent. Receiving training in design, composition and anatomy through a variety of mediums, Lee began to hone his skill throughout his teenage years. Exhibiting throughout the United States and Canada, Lee has garnered numerous awards and high acclaim. He has been Featured Artist in many national art shows including the Western Heritage Art Show, Montana, Southeastern Wildlife Expo, South Carolina; Original Art Showcase, Ontario, Canada; Tropics Alive Art Show, Florida; Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show, Washington; Oklahoma Wildlife Art Show, and Germanton Art Show, North Carolina.

As Lee's art, prints and posters have grown and matured over the years, he moved from his traditional use of watercolor to gouache' (opaque watercolors) and has recently added water-based oils as a medium. As a result he feels he is able to create a dynamic image, with more control of values and hues, a dimension which is extremely important in fine art. To share what he has learned with others, he teaches workshops around the country.

Lee Cable Art, Prints and Posters Collection