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Tom Neel

Elizabeth Allyn

Tom Neel

Artist Biography

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Tom Neel

Artist Tom Neel paints stories that make you smile. His fanciful art, prints and posters of favorite places are known as Whimsical Realism. At first glance, your eye is attracted by his use of bright color and imaginative design. But once drawn in, a story unfolds as you discover humorous touches throughout the composition. Tom and his wife, Linda, live in the horse country of Virginia. Born in Washington, D.C., and raised in nearby Maryland, Tom grew up pursuing a variety of interests. Singing lead in a band put him in the spotlight at an early age, but his favorite times were those spent alone, drawing cars. His love for the automobile resulted in his maintaining some of the world's rarest Ferraris.

Eventually his career led to a management position in Los Angeles, but it stifled his creative side. Over the years he had enjoyed a variety of interests including poetry, photography, and fine scale model building. But it was art that gave him the greatest satisfaction, and it was the career of creating art, prints and posters he ultimately chose.

Largely self-taught, his art, prints and posters are positive by nature. His paintings evolve from stories into works of art. The ideas formed in his imagination are blended with the skillful use of detail, light, color, and composition. He admits he has a tendency to dwell on life's humorous side, but explains, "Painting for me is a bit like having a party, you plan on having a good time and inviting all your friends. I'm having a great time and you're all invited.”

Tom Neel Art, Prints and Posters Collection