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Chantal Poulin

Thomas Alden

Chantal Poulin

Artist Biography

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Chantal Poulin

Born in 1959, in the Canadian Ottawa-Hull region, Chantal Poulin spent her childhood in the Montreal region, graduating from the College of Old Montreal and the Mission Renaissance Fine Arts Institute. After a decade residing in the village of Ste-Beatrix, north of Montreal, she moved to historic Niagara-on-the-Lake (near Niagara-Falls) where she and her husband, Eric Durocher, have opened a gallery in a 19th century Georgian manor on the scenic Niagara River Parkway. Chantal Poulin's career took shape at an early age. While still in kindergarten, her gouache painting of a snowman drew high praise. While just five years old at the time, the painting marked the debut of her lifelong passion for art, prints and posters. It was her landscapes that launched her career in 1978 with her first solo exhibition. A few years later that she decided to devote herself full-time to painting. Her art, prints and posters have since been shown on numerous occasions, both in solo exhibitions as well as with other artists, in Canada, the United States as well as in Europe.

Her reputation became firmly established first in Quebec when, in 1986, she illustrated Arlette Cousture's best seller, "Les Filles de Caleb”, which sold more than a million copies. The 90's marked a major turning point in her career with an extraordinary performance on the American market with record-breaking sales of more that one limited edition per 250 American households, making Chantal Poulin the most collected Canadian artist in the world. In addition, she received the "Collector's Choice New Artist of the Year” award at the International Collectibles Exposition held in Chicago in 1997 and is one of the two canadian artist, with Robert Bateman, currently published by a major american limited edition publisher.

Chantal Poulin's art, prints and posters that depict the innocence and openness of young children in serene settings is currently limited to about four oil paintings a year, some of which may require up to six months work. Fortunately, her fine art can be enjoyed by the general public and collectors through limited edition reproductions on paper, canvas and on Limoges porcelain. These editions are distributed in Canada, United States, Europe and other countries around the world.

Chantal Poulin Art, Prints and Posters Collection