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Daniel Renn Pierce

James  Heligan

Daniel Renn Pierce

Artist Biography

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Daniel Renn Pierce

Daniel Renn Pierce grew up in Roseville, Minnesota and spent his summer months in Montana with his grandfather who lived near Glacier National Park. Thee, his love of nature began to develop. Daniel's early sketches and drawings reflected this love and he proved to have an excellent talent in capturing wildlife in art, prints and posters.

In 1990 Daniel won the Wisconsin Duck Stamp Award and began painting wildlife art, prints and posters as a profession. His subjects were diverse: snow leopards, ducks, red fox and black bear. But he developed a special affection for the wolf, researching them in the wild then spending countless hours comparing those actions and attitudes with families in captivity. To date, he has completed over thirty wolf paintings finding something new about the wolf in each painting.

Daniel travels extensively each year throughout the United States and Canada exhibiting his art, prints and posters at shows. In addition to his busy travel schedule, Daniel devotes a great deal of his time supporting the fund-raising activities of many wildlife organizations.

Daniel Renn Pierce Art, Prints and Posters Collection