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Bob Travers

R. Nob

Bob Travers

Artist Biography

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Bob Travers

A Master of Detail, and member of the world renowned "Society of Animal Artists' Bob Travers endeavors to create the illusion of absolute realism in his art, prints and posters. Creating a very detailed pencil sketch enables the artist to work out potential problems in lighting and anatomy before laying in the paint.

Working one on one with his subjects, Bob can often be found in enclosures with such wild animals as wolves, cougar, bear, deer and more. This up close study gives the artist a sense of perspective and understanding of the various movements and moods of his subjects in his art, prints and posters.

A Travers original is a building process, working layer over layer of paint to create the sense of depth and realism he is most noted for. His art, prints and posters have appeared in such publications as Field and Stream, Cabella's, Fur Fish and Game and many more. Over the years he has received top awards at wildlife shows throughout the country. He has been named Minnesota Deer Hunters Artist of the Year on two occasions and has held the same title for the Wisconsin Timber Wolf Alliance. Proceeds from the sales of his conservation prints have gone to both educational and reintroduction programs for these and many other organizations.

Bob Travers Art, Prints and Posters Collection