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Bob Peters

Artist Biography

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Bob Peters

When equine artist Bob Peters steps outside his studio in Durango, Colorado, he has only to look north toward the San Juan Mountains to see some of the most dramatic mountain peaks in the world. Many, such as Sunlight Peak, rise over 14 thousand feet. To the south of Durango, the high desert country of the Colorado plateau and its austere landscapes begins. While growing up in Arizona, Bob Peters spent a lot of time around horses. Later, as he began to draw art, prints and posters, his appreciation of the horse began to develop into an understanding of the anatomy and mind of these magnificent animals.

His realistic approach to art was often at odds with his college instructors, and what they considered "Important Works of Art”. Peters did, however, gain enough knowledge about the technical aspects of painting to allow him to pursue other avenues to improve his skills. After painting with acrylics for over ten years, Peters was encouraged by an artist friend to try oils. He soon discovered that oils were a medium better suited for what he wanted to accomplish in his art, prints and posters.

Since Peters breeds and shows horses competitively, he has the luxury of stepping outside his studio to study at first hand the anatomy of his live models for his art, prints and posters.

Bob Peters Art, Prints and Posters Collection