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Erin Dertner

Artist Biography

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Erin Dertner

Sunlight and sea, ambling pathways and rustic dwellings have been Erin's inspirations since the age of 9. Learning first from her mother and later from a variety of teachers throughout her life, she has developed a style that is relatable, thoughtful and infused with light. Travel has played a formidable role in her development as she relishes each opportunity to explore the warm European environs of Greece, France and Italy as well the Hawaiian Islands and choice locations in America the beautiful. Giving workshops allows Erin to share her zeal for painting, for adventure and for meeting special people. Her art, prints and posters are on display at numerous galleries and competitions throughout the country.

Painting, studying, and teaching the subject of light is her driving force. The cool shadows of the early morning and those that fall long and warm in the evening enliven her creative soul as nothing else. Subject matter is secondary to the sunlight itself in her art, prints and posters, though her locations speak volumes about God's wondrous world of color, drama and mystery. Reaching further to simplify and suggest detail is placing her allegiance more and more with the impressionist school as she grows and adapts to her own inner angst. This struggle to be honest and deliberate however, continues to result in images that reflect peace and a yearning for stillness in a world that is often discordant. Painting in plein air allows her to capture the essence of a place by more passionately communicating its light, temperature, color, texture and mood.

Born in 1957 and a native Californian, Erin has two grown sons who are artistic, musical and adventurous. Her husband is her business partner, acting as agent, picture framer, and proprietor of their own gallery on the north coast of California, in Fort Bragg's quaint district. Her art, prints and posters are seen in a variety of galleries and collected around the world both as originals and in reproductions ranging from limited editions to cards, calendars, needlework and gift items. It is a full plate balancing the schedules of location, studio and gallery work, travel, teaching, studying, and working with art publishers as well as joyous family and social gatherings. According to Erin, "There is no better life than to study the world with paintbrush in hand and a heart full of love and gratitude.”

Erin Dertner Art, Prints and Posters Collection