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Zaira Zarotti


Artist Biography

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Heronim was born in Detroit in a Polish-American neighborhood, and schooled at Art Center College in Los Angeles. Heronim's art, prints and posters have exhibited in the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles, and the San Francisco de Young Museum. Heronim has had one-man shows at the Charles Hecth Gallery in Palm Springs, the Nelson Rockefeller Gallery in Palm Springs, the Touche Gallery in Laguna Beach, the Heritage Gallery in Beverly Hills, the Dyansen Gallery in Beverly Hills, and the Conacher Gallery in San Francisco.

Heronim describes his art, prints and posters as nostalgia; a time before computers, hi-tech movies and fax machines, when the horse and buggy were the mode of communication. Heronim finds a lighthouse, an old hotel a railroad station, and then the historical research begins. Delving in archives, haunting old bookstores, or talking to old-timers who remember "the way things were,” the painting begins to evolve. The finished portrayal is history, nostalgia, and fantasy.

Heronim is his given name in Polish. He has elected to use it to certify all Americana art, prints and posters in order to avoid any possible confusion between his work and that of his brother. Heronim will continue to work in a variety of other styles using Harry Wysocki as his signature. His paintings will stand on their own distinct merits.

Heronim Art, Prints and Posters Collection