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Susan Drinker

James  Heligan

Susan Drinker

Art Gallery
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Susan Drinker Biography:
The husband and wife team of Dick Durrance II and Susan Drinker is nationally renowned for their timeless photograph art, prints and posters of majestic landscapes in national parks throughout the world. Capturing the natural beauty of scenic vistas and magical forests in stunning colors, the Drinker Durrance team stresses the importance of environmental preservation through their art. From the windswept, white-capped mountains of Yellowstone National Park to the rushing water of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, the photographs of Drinker Durrance exhibit the harsh, yet delicate splendors of our natural world.  >>click here for more
Susan Drinker Haleakala Rim

Susan Drinker

Haleakala Rim

image: 36 x 12.25 in.
paper: 38 x 15 in.

Open Edition