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Jan Martin McGuire

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Jan Martin McGuire

Jan Martin McGuire was born in the foothills of the Rockies in Colorado. As an inveterate tomboy she spent her days climbing trees, catching snakes and drawing the animals she loved. This love of nature stayed with her when her parents moved to Oklahoma when she was twelve. Recognizing her art ability, her parents encouraged her to pursue her calling by enrolling her in art classes at the local art museum. She continued her studies by majoring in fine art at the University of Tulsa. The curriculum of totally modern/abstract art, prints and posters soon stifled Jan however, and she quit to follow her own path.

Since turning professional in 1982, Jan has exclusively depicted the nature and wildlife with which she holds such a bond. Known as an artist and naturalist who paints nature's diversity, she depicts African, Rainforest and North American subjects with equal expertise. Studying nature and its intricacies is a passion of Jan's. She strongly believes that to depict nature in her art, prints and posters in such a way as to evoke emotion from the viewer, the artist must experience all the nuances of the out-of-doors. Jan travels extensively in a constant quest to satisfy the gnawing hunger inside her, which is to learn and experience nature in every way she can. From the chilly hummocks of the autumnal tundra in Alaska to the deep snowy recesses of the Montana wilderness, and on to the steamy tropical rainforest of the Peruvian Amazon and the golden savannahs of Africa, Jan sketches, paints, and photographs all that nature has to offer. At home, Jan's extensive library of natural history books, field guides and videos help sustain her hunger when she is in her studio. Drawing on all these experiences in combination with the visual tools of the photos, sketches, study skins, etc. she has at her fingertips, Jan sets about creating the art that is her homage to the nature she loves.

Working in Acrylic with ChromaColour paint on smooth masonite panel, Jan creates the fine details, textures and lighting that are the hallmarks of her art, prints and posters. Manipulating the paint with her brushes, sponges, Saran wrap and fingers, Jan creates lifelike renditions of fur, feathers, mosses and rocks. The surrounding habitat is always scientifically correct, yet an artistic backdrop to the main subject of the wildlife she is depicting. Jan Martin McGuire currently lives in the Osage Hills of Oklahoma. She shares her life with her husband James Gary Hines who manages the business aspect of her career. They strive to live environmentally friendly and in tune with nature by actively reducing, reusing and recycling. They share their home with Jan's teenage daughter and with a variety of animals.

Jan Martin McGuire Art, Prints and Posters Collection